Cassidae: Gastropoda- Gastropods known as Snails(Mollusks)with One Shell or referred to as Univalves. Examples of Cassidae:"Scotch Bonnet Shell"
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Sconsia hodgii 1 7/8” or 47.55mm."Choice"#17357
Sconsia hodgii 1 7/8” or 47.55mm. Conrad, 1841-Extinct Collected in the Pinecrest Member (Petuch Unit 7) of the Tamiami Formation on...
$14.00Login to ShopMax: 1
Sconsia hodgii 1 ¾”-Juvenile Star Pit-Lot#15364
Sconsia hodgii 1 ¾” or 45.08mm. Conrad, 1841- Extinct Juvenile Collected in the Pinecrest Member of the Tamiami Formation in 1998 Star Pit,...
$11.00Login to ShopMax: 1